MMA and MIM Management Visited the Former Higher Education Bureau
Led by Mr. Tommy Lau, Council Chairman of MMA, visited Former Higher Education Bureau on December 28.
MMA HR Professionals Club Sharing Session
“Human Resources Management under the Pandemic” was held on November 24 at Bank of China Building.
MMA 36th Annual General Meeting
MMA held its 36th Annual General Meeting on November 13 at Ho Yin Memorial Hall.
GEG Youth Achievement Program
The 9th YAP Award Presentation and the 10th YAP Launching Ceremony was held on the 8/F Ballroom of StarWorld Hotel on November 5.
MMA Press Conference: Survey on Macao Management Capability Index 2020
The press conference of “Survey on Macao Management Capability Index 2020 (MMCI)” was held on November 3.
MMA Annual Management Conference 2020
The MMA 2020 Annual Management Conference was held on October 30.
MMA Seminar: Facility Management Under Pandemic Situation
“Facility Management Under Pandemic Situation” was held on October 29.
MMA HR Professional Club Seminar
“The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Corporate Sustainability Development” was held on October 21.
MMA Seminar: Economic Fluctuations in Asset Management
“Economic Fluctuations in Asset Management” was held on September 25.
MMA & MIM Participated in the S100 Global Enterprise Administration Summit
MMA and MIM participated the 3rd S100 Global Enterprise Administration Summit in Shenzhen on September 24.