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MMA Seminar: Economic Fluctuations in Asset Management

Organized by MMA, sponsored by Macao Foundation, a seminar themed “Economic Fluctuations in Asset Management” was held on September 25. Mr. Jose Tang, Vice-President of MMA, Dr. Samuel Tong, President of MIM and Dr. Cheng Hing Wan, the then President of MIM attended the seminar. Dr. Kevin Lei, a senior trainer and individual investor was invited to be the speaker. The seminar was attended by 30 participants from different local organizations.

The seminar provided a chance to participants for recognizing various investment strategies of multiple asset classes in economic fluctuation nowadays. During the seminar, Dr. Kevin Lei shared his insights on how to make the best practices on investment tactics and asset management of being associated with economic fluctuation worldwide.

Dr. Kevin Lei stated that the connection between market development and social economy in the past could be explored so as to forecast relevant market asset in the future.

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