Young Managers’ Club: Night Walk
Sponsored by Macau Foundation, Young Managers’ Club had organized a Night Walk activity on December 15.
Language Club Activity: Table Manners Teaching Session
Language Club had organized a table manners teaching session at Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 on December 7.
MMA Seminar: A Recipe for Success for Working Executives - ASK
A seminar entitled “A Recipe for Success for Working Executives - ASK”, organized by MMA, was held on November 23.
Press Conference of “Survey on Macau Management Capability Index 2018”
The press conference of “Survey on Macau Management Capability Index 2018” was held on November 13.
AAMO: Young Managers’ Program 2018
Organized by Macau Management Association, the Young Managers’ Program 2018 was held from November 5 to 9.
2018 AAMO 7th Annual General Meeting & 2nd Council Meeting in Nepal
2018 AAMO 7th Annual General Meeting & 2nd Council Meeting was held in Kathmandu, Nepal
GEG YAP Award Presentation and 2019 Launching Ceremony
GEG Youth Achievement Program Award Presentation and 2019 Launching Ceremony was held on 30th October, 2018
MMA Annual Management Conference 2018
The MMA 2018 Annual Management Conference was held on October 15.
MMA 34th Anniversary Dinner
MMA 34th Anniversary Dinner was successfully held on October 8.
MMA Signed Collaboration Agreement with BOC
MMA and BOC (Bank of China Macau Branch) signed a Collaboration Agreement on “Bank of China Trophy - Global Management Challenge” on September 4.