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YAP Final Project Competition Held Successfully

Jointly organized by Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) and Macau Management Association (MMA), the 13th Final Project Competition for "GEG Youth Achievement Program (GEG YAP)" was successfully held on 31 August. The competition's theme was "Telling Good Stories of Macau: Cultural, Sports, Tourism, Study and Learning Suggestions and Benefit Enhancement Plan". Participating teams were required to submit a tourism journey proposal that focuses on enhancing the length of stay of tourists in Macau, promoting the economy, and exploring the characteristics of Macau.


In addition to Ms. Tania Fan, Vice-President of Talent Management and Leadership Development of GEG, who was invited as the guest of honor and announced the location of the study tour, Mr. Peta Ho, Assistant Vice-President of Training & Development of GEG, Mr. Henry Chio, Assistant Vice-President of Marketing Partnership of GEG, Ms. Yonnie Cheung, Senior Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility of Public Relations of GEG, and Dr. Timothy Lam, Associate Professor and Trainer of the Macau Institute of Management (MIM), were invited to be the judges of the competition.


The finalists of the competition include "三個電競高手", "澳門探路者", "樂遊濠江", "澳韻傳奇" and "遊澳來,鏡卷開". The participating teams presented their proposals to the judges with great dedication and enthusiasm. The champion team was announced on the spot and the "Best Elevator Speech Award", "Best Individual Performance Award" and "Best Team Performance Award" were presented to the winners. The 1st and 2nd runner-ups will be announced at the Prize Presentation Ceremony to be held later.


List of Awardees for the Final Project Competition:



Congratulations to the champion team and all the awardees.


