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YAP “Double Tasting of Intangible Cultural Heritage” 2nd Workshop

After the first workshop for Portuguese tart-making, YAP organized the second workshop – the Macanese Cuisine Cooking Workshop on August 10. The cooking secrets of Macanese cuisine are unique, blending flavors from Portuguese and Chinese cuisine, and diffusing a rich cultural heritage. In this workshop, a top Macanese cuisine chef shared the culinary secrets of Macanese dishes, allowing YAP members to not only learn the cooking techniques but also to taste this “unique cuisine of Macau”, experiencing the fascinating aspects of Chinese-Portuguese cuisine.


This workshop not only enriched the YAP members’ culinary skills but also facilitated their communication, cohesively promoting the unique culinary culture. By cooking and tasting the unique flavors of Macanese cuisine, YAP members shared the culinary tales of Macau, using delicious food as a bridge for cultural exchange, gathering members’ hearts, and showcasing unique intangible cultural heritage in Macau.


