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HR Club Organised a Workshop themed AI Revolution in Human Resources Management

The thematic workshop “AI Revolution in Human Resources Management Process Optimization and Decision-making” organised by the Human Resources Professionals Club was held on August 22, with the attendance of Mr. Keegan Cheang, MMA Council Vice-Chairman and HR Club Chairman; Mr. Au Va On, HR Club Vice-Chairman; Mr. Benjamin Hong, HR Club member and Ms. Jodie Lam, MMA Secretary General. The workshop also attracted many Human Resource practitioners from various industries.


Ms. Gloria Lian, DHR Solution Expert of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., explained to the participants how AI is now developing rapidly, improving HR management workflow and decision-making in various industries. The workshop aims to enable HR practitioners to optimize understanding HR management process and decision-making through big data and AI technology. Meanwhile, it enhanced the corporate performance and competitiveness.

The Human Resources Professionals Club is a specialised group under MMA. Aiming to build a platform for human resources practitioners in Macao to communicate and learn from each other. HR Club members can share experience and information with each other. The aim of HR Club is to better promote the development of human resources management in Macao.
