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Language Club Hosted AnimalFlow X SingingBowl Experience English Workshop

Organized by MMA Language Club and sponsored by Macao Foundation, the “Animal Flow X Singing Bowl Experience English Workshop” was successfully held on June 15.


The workshop was hosted by professional instructors by introducing the key elements and modality of animal flow and singing bowl, and guiding participants with some basic animal flow movements and conclude with a singing bowl sound therapy experience, allowing participants to reduce fatigue while to achieve physical, mental and spiritual relaxation after the exercise.


Animal flow is a ground-based movement with imitation of animal locomotion. It enhances the flexibility, mobility, coven strength and having four supporting points on the floor which increases body awareness. Singing bowl sound therapy is a traditional body therapy. Throughout the sound and vibration of the singing bowl to let the body and brain deeply relaxed. It is an effective stress-relieving activity for body's natural recovery and mind's serenity.


MMA Language Club organized this cross-sectoral English workshop for its first time, aiming to allow people who were interested in fitness and relaxation through singing bowls to learn basic English related to animal flow and singing bowls while experiencing these two emerging activities in Macao. It had attracted participants from government departments, public service entities, gaming industries and higher education institutions.


The Language Club is a special interest group of MMA aiming to provide practical learning opportunities and various activities to encourage participants to engage in foreign language communications and improve their language expression skills.

