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MMA Seminar The Green Future of Facility Management

Organized by Macau Management Association, sponsored by Macao Foundation, a seminar themed “The Green Future of Facility Management” was successfully held on July 26 (Friday). The seminar aims to share sustainable development experience as well as its best practice in the field of facility management with participants through industry expert, contributing Macao’s FM and engineering industries towards professionalism.


Ms. Jodie Lam, Secretary General of MMA attended the seminar. Meanwhile, Dr. Danny Chan, an expert from facility management industry as well as associate professor of MIM was invited to be the speaker.


During the seminar, Dr. Chan not only provided a brief introduction and interaction in sustainable development relationship among local enterprises to all audiences, but also shared how to adopt digitalization as well as automation tools and its application, integrating sustainable development goals into FM industry, thereby enhancing services within engineering, construction and facility management.


Dr. Chan believed that facility management industry should be further developed environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies in order to enhance the green productivity in all aspects. Through artificial intelligence and internet of things application would take on a new chapter to implement automatically tasks, utilizing data monitoring and relevant analysis tools, so as to facilitate more effectiveness and efficiencies between operation and maintenance for facilities and buildings.

