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MMA Visited National Security Education Exhibition

Led by Mr. Tommy Lau, Council Chairman of MMA; Mr. Alex Mok, President of MIM Board of Directors and Council Vice-Chairman of MMA; Mr. Vong Hin Fai, Council Vice-Chairman and Honorary Secretary General of MMA, MMA and MIM staffs visited the 2024 National Security Education Exhibition on April 22. The Exhibition was jointly organized by Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR.

The exhibition was divided into five major sections, with a wide range of contents. Guided by the docent, the exhibition reviewed a series of innovations and achievements made by our country in 2023, as well as its active influence in the international affairs. In addition, the Central People’s Government have also fully recognised the work of the SAR Government, which had fully implemented the principles of “one country, two systems” and “Macao people ruling Macao”, and continued to improve the legal system for safeguarding national security. Furthermore, Macao had fully grasped the new opportunities arising from the country's development, and proactively participated and assisted in the construction of “the Belt and Road Initiatives” for enhancing its overall regional competitiveness.
