1. Message From The Director
  2. Vision & Mission
  3. Introduction
  4. Institute Structure
  5. Board of Directors
  6. Principal Officers
  7. Academic Staff



With a fast booming economy in recent years, Macau has become a place abounds with business opportunities. Many sizeable foreign companies are attracted to start their operations as well as staff recruitment. However, they may soon find themselves in keen competition in both public and private sectors for talents short supplied in the labor market here.


Opportunities and success go to those who are well-prepared. I believe you share with me that self-actualization and successful career development build on mastery of professional management knowledge, obtaining recognized academic qualifications, and more importantly putting what you have learned into practice. To be able to excel in any organizations, one needs to keep up with the competition with higher academic qualifications and necessary capabilities in Macau nowadays.


Macau Institute of Management (MIM) has all along been active in promoting contemporary management concepts and effective management practices to address the needs of working adults through providing professional management training and education services, including a series of degree programs accredited by the Macau S.A.R. Government.


We have a team of qualified lecturers with extensive administrative and management experience in the Institute. They are all with enthusiasm for teaching and professionalism which would certainly facilitate students’ learning in both theory and putting learning into practice, thus help build their self-confidence, set and achieve challenging goals.


You will find relevant information about the degree programs we offer in our homepage and I hope you will be able to identify appropriate degree programs for your studies.


I sincerely invite you to join us, becoming a member of M I M !




Dr. Oscar Chan, Ph.D, CFM, CFMJ, F.PFM,
IFMA Fellow, IFMA Approved Instructor